Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day Three - Work Begins

June 1st

So, I guess I have to actually go to work, seeing as how they sent me down here and all. Although we are staying in Cocoa Beach close by, the spacecraft are actually over in Titusville being processed at Astrotech. The drive to work is interesting, going over the causeway past Port Canaveral you can see all of the cruise ships (some with Disney ears) and off in the distance you can see Kennedy Space Center and the VAB (Vehicle Assembly Building).

I am trying not to consistently be regretful that I never made it down here once to see a shuttle launch. Pathetic for an Aerospace Engineer, I know. But when there were only a handful left, I was pregnant and/or new baby and it just didn't seem feasible. But I know that the work we do now is really interesting, and hopefully I will get to see at least one rocket launch here in the six weeks I'm scheduled.

My first day at work I got right back into being a Test Conductor, we spent the day testing different launch scenarios and their various potential problems. When I left work, I missed the road I was supposed to turn on and ended up passing by the Astronaut Hall of Fame (I plan on visiting later at some point). I snapped this picture and sent it to Evan:

Later that evening, we celebrated a co-worker's birthday at another one's condo on the beach. Here was the sunset I snapped from the balcony. Off in the distance (12 miles away) are Casino Cruises. They have to be that far from shore to allow gambling apparently.

Annette made a cake for the birthday in the shape of RBSP, not only did it look amazing, but it tasted really delicious as well.

 Notice the 'search coil' jack detail. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow - what an awesome view to have on your drive to work for 6 weeks! You've got one jealous co-worker here. Beautiful shot over the ocean and an impressive cake by Annette. Glad you're having such a good time!
