Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Couple of random things that I don't want to forget about Evan when he's this age.

* He loves cell phones, when he gets one in his hand, he wings it up to his ear and starts talking out load. Then he switches to the other ear. (Guess he doesn't want to wear them out). But even funnier are the other things he uses as phones, usually tv remotes, but one time my deodorant.

* He doesn't say many words, most of his verbal stuff is descriptive --- oohhh, aaahhh, ooooos, something like that. And they are hilarious.

--- He farts loud, looks at me, Oh!.

--- He drops something on purpose, oooohh.

--- And when you pick him up (he's over 26 pounds already), he says uhhh, like he's the one doing the work.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Small Frustrations

This will be my first "WHOHOO, DAMMIT" entry. It is not my original idea, I pay homage to my friend with the reddest hair. She has wonderful ones, my favorite one from memory being something like WHOHOO: We made yummy cookies tonight. DAMMIT: The dog got on the table and ate them all.

So here goes.

WHOHOO: Someone at my work hipped me to the fact that we could access So I could see people's updates, but skip the junk (and facebook is blocked otherwise so yea!).
DAMMIT: That person had discovered it from a post made on our own 'facebook-like' posting board here at work. Well that posting board is run by the people in IT, so after 4 days of fun, lite is no longer.

Maybe I will post these from now on with labels more to the words I use daily. Maybe.....


or something like that.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Whole Year!!

365 days ago, our son was born. It still is hard to believe. Now he is a walking (wobbly), talking (okay only he knows what he's saying) small person. Who steals my Capri Sun and sucks it down when I'm not looking. Who holds the cell phone up to his ear and talks out loud to who knows who. Who says "bwoons" to his birthday balloons. Who claps to himself for random things.

Here he is at his birthday party, the do-rag only lasted a minute.


Evan went through his first real sickness week ago, some summer virus thing, that came with a high fever, followed by an all over rash. And his first throw up, all over me. Yuck. To top it off he started to get his molars, so he was beyond miserable. We took this picture during all of this, and he had fallen asleep on mommy's chest so he was all sweaty. Just looks a disaster. The picture does not do him justice. :)


We also stopped at Rehoboth Beach for the day over the Labor Day Weekend. He was having a great time crawling around in the sand until a wave snuck up the beach and soaked him. I got a picture not long after this, it is a favorite of mine.