Just a few more updates as RBSP near the end of it's Commissioning. After launch we have 60 days to get all of the instruments deployed correctly, doors opening, etc and collecting good science data. Then we can start our Primary Science phase.
Here is an absolutely stunning long exposure of the launch.

And here is a really good write up about our launch and early orbit operations, with a nice video of the launch. http://storify.com/lydiazuraw/radiation-belt-storm-probes-post-launch-press-conf
So now that we have deployed many of our instruments and turned them on, we are starting to get some feedback on science data (this video has some of the 'sounds' from the radiation belts that we are getting back) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkTL2Ug6llE&feature=share.
In a couple weeks, we will move in to unattended operations, which means no more bizarre night shifts for me, and I'm moving on to another project. I've worked on this since about a year before Zoey was even born, and I am extremely proud of it's accomplishments already.
So wahoo for space. :)