Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Launch on Friday!!!

So, we are getting ready to launch Friday morning!! (It was supposed to be Thursday but it got delayed a day for a rocket mechanical test).

August 24th, 2012
4:07 am

It's only a 20 minute launch window, so it either goes, or it doesn't. Then they try again the next day.

Some information about our mission, if you want to listen to a NPR recording, or you can just read the article.

Here is a picture from a few weeks ago, before the fairing was closed and moved over to Kennedy Space Center. I'm not in this picture, I was already back in Maryland.

Some really cool pictures of ULA stacking the rocket inside the VIF (Vertical Integration Facility):

And here's fairing moving past the VAB out to the VIF.

Then the important part; hoisting the nose cone on top of the rocket:

So I will send more information out tomorrow about how you can view the launch. But basically it will be streaming live online and if you have DirecTV there is a NASA channel that should have it.

Please send me an e-mail if you have any questions ( I'm in Florida right now, got to see the rocket rolled out to the pad this morning, and we are taking pictures tomorrow morning. Then I'm flying home so I can support the launch in the Mission Operations Center Friday morning.

Can't wait!!

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