Wife to one, mother of two(!), and family and friend to many more. Captain to one entire ice hockey team. Commander of a satellite on it's way past Pluto, and Tester of one being built to go to the Sun. Let the fun begin.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
My own little pieces of randomness
Monday, May 17, 2010
Originally submitted at UncommonGoods

Geek up the nursery with artist Tiffany Ard's hilarious and brilliant flashcards for your little nerd-to-be. The complete set of 26 alphabet cards teaches young scientists their ABCs. A is for Atom! H is for Hydrogen bonding! While this set of 12 illustrated number cards will help your baby c...
Cute and Dorky (plus some learning too)
Gift: No
Pros: Easy To Use, Durable, Colorful
Best Uses: Every Day Use, Learning
Describe Yourself: Quality Oriented
Primary use: Personal
Really neat! We as parents will learn from them too. A must for any child with engineer parents. :)