Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A New Year and New Destinations!

It's here! It's 2015! The year we arrive at Pluto! The year I finish my Master's Degree! The year Zoey turns 4 and Evan turns 7!! The year we are hoping to move into a bigger house!

I feel like I need to take a big deep breath. And a nap. (You know, to get ready for my next midnight shift coming up!) Anyone know of a good cleaning service? Cause we are going to need some help...........

As of today, we are six months from encounter. I can't believe it's this close.

Video cameras were present when we work up from our last hibernation back in December, and you can see yours truly in this video (New Horizons starts at the 1:35ish mark):

In other news, our family is doing great. Evan has finished his first half of Kindergarten and loves it. He has made many new friends and is one of the better behaved kids in his class (?!?!). Zoey is in her first year of preschool; her favorite job is when she gets to be the flag girl (or the weather girl, or calendar, heck she loves all the jobs).

I'm going to try to keep up with weekly recaps this year, with more frequency as we get closer to the Pluto Encounter. Should be fun!

So Happy New Year from our crazy family to yours!